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Grade 'B' for Vojvodina Authorities' Professional Performance

kodeks naslovnaIn spite of the fact that the least complaints in the institutional Annual Report of the Provincial Protector of Citizens - Ombudsman (PPCO) and that two thirds of the provincial, aka Vojvodina administration employees claim that they are familiar with the provisions of the Provincial Authorities' Code of Professional Conduct, the results of the PPCO survey on its implementation and observance indicate, amongst others, that there is still space for simplifying proceedings and more efficiency. Therefore, the PPCO has sent a report about its findings, along with official recommendations for improvement, to all provincial authorities, organizations and services.

The response from 130 employees and officials from 32 various provincial administration units indicates that the overall grade of the work of the provincial administration is a B. Three quarters of survey respondents claim that they are familiar with the Code, while a quarter of them claim they are partially familiar with it. On a scale from one to five, (with five being the highest grade), a four, aka B has been given even to some of the key aspects of the provincial authorities' work as specified in the Code. Half of the respondents give the same grade to observance of the provisions of the Code by these authorities, the quality of performance of their colleagues in them, as well as to the purposefulness and effectiveness of these authorities' proceedings.

Implementing provisions of the Code contributes to the reputation of the administration, personal reputation and dignity of its employees and officials, their accountability and professional performance, as well as a more efficient protection of public interest. The PPCO, therefore, holds that it is necessary to familiarize all who represent the provincial administration in the eyes of the public with this document. Besides, it is also necessary to work on promoting the Code constantly. The provincial authorities have been recommended, amongst others, to keep improving on the quality of their collaboration with the relevant ministries and raising the level of knowledge and professionalism of their employees in order to build their capacities additionally, contributing thus to increased efficiency and observance of deadlines in the proceedings.

As the institution authorized to monitor the implementation of the Code (acc. to its Article 35) and act upon complaints concerning its violation, the PPCO also holds that the survey results might serve as guidelines to the provincial administration for improvement of its work based on the principles of good governance, observance of anti-discrimination regulations, as well as other issues concerning human rights exercise.