Projects of the Protector of Citizens - Ombudsman

Tolerance is No Foreign Word! – A Campaign (2013)

This campaign was organized in 2013 with an aim to increase the level of primarily inter-ethnic tolerance among the youth in the Autonomous Province of Vovjodina (APV). The lead organization was the Civil Society Development Center (CRCD) supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Government and National Communities and the PPCO. The project was funded by the Sustainable Communities Institute and logistically supported by the Parliament of the APV as well.

A series of recent youth studies in Serbia indicates alarming results concerning young people’s attitudes towards human and minority rights, rights of vulnerable social groups and violence in general. The findings of the 2012 research of the PPCO (Vojvodina High School Students on Discrimination), as well as those of the CRCD (Temerin – The Present or the Future of Vojvodina) and Save the Children are extremely disconcerting concerning the issues of inter-ethnic distance and intolerance among the youth from different ethnic groups in multiethnic communities, indicating also an increase in political radicalism and right-wing extremism among the youth in Serbia.