Gender Equality and Disaster Risk Reduction - New Project & Field Visits

In 2015, the Provincial Protector of Citizens - Ombudman (PPCO) Gender Equality Department will deal with the role of women and observance of the gender perspective in the field of disaster risk reduction by implementing the Gender Equality and Disaster Risk Reduction project with the support of UN Women. 

The aim of the project is to raise the level of knowledge and capacity of the local self-governments and citizens' associations on inclusion of the gender perspective in the documents and programs pertaining to disasters and sustainable development, as well as to increase women's participation in decision-making processes when adopting such documents, to promote gender equality and non-discriminatory action in the official proceedings concerning disaster risk reduction. The project will be implemented in collaboration with the six local self-governments in Vojvodina, where discussions and focus groups will be held with the representatives of local authorities and women from the local communities.

During these field visits, the Deputy Ombudswoman will also discuss citizens' complaints and the state of human rights with individuals claiming their violation, inform them about the proper way to exercise them or ask for their protection and file their complaints concerning the work of the local and provincial public services with the PPCO.